Tuesday, July 23, 2019

I'm Baaaack

Guess who's baaaaaack?

Another 2 years passed!
Lots has happened!
Burke is now 6 years old! Charlie is 3!

I have left my job to school my girls! Why do I unschool? I feel like the environment I live in is very religious. I feel like if they went to public school, they would be introduced to ideas that i don't agree with. I remember being bullied for missing one week of church. I couldn't imagine the backlash they would get not going at all.
Also, public school has sugar coated everything we think we know about our history.  WhiteWashed, if you will. I would prefer they know what really happened in history. And how the world works.
Then you have the dangers in school these days. All the shootings, all the bullying, and all the sexual abuse. Not going to risk it.
I have revisited the love I have for books!
My hubby has opened his own barber shop and is doing incredibly well!
And we have delved into our passion for our heritage. A few years ago, I found the love and power of Wicca, and that lead me to my path of all other pagan beliefs. We are Norse Pagan and could not have found a more perfect fit!
Also! As of 1 year ago. I OFFICIALLY removed my name from the LDS church. I am happy, I am strong, I am independent, I am loving, I am fluffy, I am goofy, I am outspoken, I am allowed,  and I am a BADASS.
That's about it! There is my quick overview of what has happened in the last few years!
I'll be using this blog to review books, hopefully continue to keep life updated. This blog is mostly for me. But those who choose to read it, welcome.
Old posts are old. Lots of ideas have adapted and evolved, lots are the same.

Stay Colorful
Purple Psyche
aka PickledPsyche

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