Friday, February 21, 2020

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

OKAY, first of all, I want to say that I love dystopian novels. Dystopian is one of my favorite genres. But all that comes with dystopian is a lack of original material. It's always a post-apocalyptic disaster or a tyrannical government, right? Then a single hero or heroine that has "just had enough!" They stand up to said government! Go, fight, win! But... If Pierce Brown REALLY wanted to be a dick, he could TOTALLY have grounds to sue Red Queen for copyright infringement on Red Rising.

I usually decide on my next read based on Goodreads ratings. Red Queen is sitting at a comfortable 4/5. I figured, "Meh! Why not?" Seemed interesting.
It was not AWFUL. Just... Sounded very familiar.
It is a watered down version of Red Rising.

You have two houses, the reds and the silvers... like the reds and the... golds?
The reds are low class, and used as purely cruel entertainment and laboring for the snooty, royalty of the silvers. The silvers have "special abilities", alternatively, "evolutions." They use these to destroy reds at their most vulnerable. Case in point, the gladiator-esque executions.

Anyone can be called to war to fund the silver regime. Which is the case for Mare, our main character. Our "heroine." She gets called to work right under the High Silvers' nose. And guess what? She's miraculously has powers, too! Whaaaaat?? OMGeeeeeeeeee!

They start to groom her to be a princess to the crown. She revolts. Traitors are unmasked. She escapes. She gets mad and must have REVENGE. Yada, yada, yada.

The end.
Wah, Wah, Wahhhhhh.
Definitely not catching that 4/5 hype. AND it was quite boring. Anyway, on to the next...

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