Utah has been... A mess. Since this quarantine has started, we have climbed to 257 cases, 1 death. And you know why?!
Because Utahns still went on spring break, went and panic bought ALL THE TOILET paper, still went and congregated in the canyon, you met all your precious missionaries in hoards. DO YOU NOT REALIZE WHY THEY CAME HOME IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!? To protect them from exposure! What are you doing?! You should be ashamed of yourself.
Don't be surprised when come next week, our case rate QUADRUPLES because you couldn't BARE to welcome your missionary home with anything less than a fucking plethora of people. GOD FORBID you send a single champion to retrieve your missionary. But what do I know?
In the middle of the week, we got a wrench thrown in this said "mess" with a 5.7 magnitude earthquake... 😒. Really?
LUCKILY, my dead-asleep ass, slept through the whole thing. Thank the gods, my children slept through too. I do not know how I would have handled that. Their poor screams of terror. But don't you worry, I have only got about 3 hours a night of sleep since then. Every little sound, every move my St. Bernard makes, every toss and turn my husband moves, I wake up in a panic, thinking its the next one. The "big one" that we have been due. I want to get my earthquake kit ready, I should already have one, I know, but the money we do have, must go to rent, more on that in a second.
Everytime I see a facebook post, complaining about the aftershocks, my stomach sinks.
Back to this pandemic, the government won't agree on relief funds. So the longer they take to make a decision, the longer my hubby has to make money. We would LOVE him to be home, in isolation. But without work, we don't have money to put food on the table. To pay our RENT, which BY THE WAY, our landlord gave us an extension of "3 WHOLE DAYS" OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, WHAT A SAINT......😒.... Humanity is just getting better and better isn't it? 3 extra days isn't going to do any good, when we aren't making any money, bro. He also made it plainly clear that if we do not pay it by then.... consider yourself evicted. What a wonderful wonderful man. Keeping us on our toes.
People, this is serious. This is real. Take it seriously.
I may have an aneurysm due to this anger and fire within me.
Be kind. Be considerate. Be nice to retail workers. Thank your healthcare workers. Stay colorful. And STAY, THE FUCK, HOME.
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