Not to be self pitying or woe is me, by any means. It's just fact. When people are debating, the goal is to win... No matter what information is correct or how much experience/education another party has... No whining. Just fact.
But... At the same time, as everyone is bickering about this tragic event, I'm standing here asking, "Has any single one of these people, actually been in this cop's situation? Do any of these people understand the weight of being a Cop's wife? The amount of PTSD I have, caused by the severe and traumatic PTSD my husband has endured? Have any of these people been in a life and death situation, where their every move effects the odds of going home to your loving family or a body bag? Has any of these people thought to themselves, 'Should I gain some perspective? Maybe not EVERY thing I believe is gospel...' "
I'm standing there knowing that these people are ripping each other's throats out over this, and these people know nothing... They have not sat at home praying their husband walks in the door at night... They have not sent their spouse off to work, with that quiet heartbreak everyday, knowing that this day may be your last with him... Scared shitless. Praying that when he DOES come home, his cop switch is turned off so you don't have to tip toe around and trigger a fight with him. They have never restrained someone with the thought in their head that if they move in the slightest wrong way, they can be killed; this bad guy can turn your whole life into just brains slaughtered into the concrete...
The last thing a cop wants to do is resort to using their weapon... Any time a cop has to pull out his gun, it's not going to be a good time... A law enforcement officer is not trained to use his gun just to maim, or injure. They are trained to stop a threat in it's tracks by a shot straight into 'mid mass', the center of the chest. If that means shooting someone who tries to grab your gun from inside the cop car, then resist arrest, WHILE talking smack and hate back to the officer, then charging at the officer, so be it... He was doing what was in his training to protect himself and others around him. HE is going home that night. The officer is going to his family. He did what he needed to to make that happen. Yes, the kid had a family, as well. But frankly, he should have complied with the officer with respect for the law. I mean, he was stopped in the first place for stealing mini cigars, for hell's sake. The kid had JUST robbed a convenient store! Sweet guy...
Citizens may reject my opinion by saying there was less violent ways of detaining the student. Yes, this may be true, but what's happened has happened... But! What else would you suggest? This kid ended up charging at him and pulling his hands out of his pockets... No cop EVER is going to say to himself, "Oh, okay. Let's just wait and see what he pulls out of his pocket... I don't know if it's nothing, a gun, a detonator, a grenade, a lighter, knife, or even a lollipop. I don't know! But let's wait and see! What's the worst that can happen?? Go ahead, I'll wait for you." Or, "Oh, here, thief! I want you to trust me as an officer and protector of your society, here's my gun to show you how serious I am about that." If ever such an officer was to exist, he wouldn't for long.
I don't even see a REASON for this town to be angry... The cop did his job and did it to the best of his ability. He apologized to the family, sincerely. Now he must have a National Guard escort, everywhere he goes. Oh, and to add a cherry on top of it all, him and his wife are expecting a baby. Let's just put an innocent infant at fault here, shall we? If peace won't be spread for the officers sake, spread peace and forgiveness to this baby and his wife.
These riots are SO misplaced... Fix violence by creating violence. That's pretty much all I have to say about that. It's too ridiculous and pointless to even talk about. Let's just not blow up buildings in response to that hate you are supposedly wanting to resolve... Done.
I heard something today that just ABSOLUTELY boiled my blood... Someone said that the white people need to get what's coming to them. A mass riot. A racial attack. Something to make it even with all the rest of us. They need to suffer too.
So... Did the holocaust like, not happen? Are the Jewish bot part of the 'white' category? Pearl Harbor? 9/11? J. Stalin? No? Doesn't ring a bell? Regardless, is it just me? Or is the 'White' race moving more towards putting slavery in the past than the actual 'Black' race? The only time I have ever heard any one being racist, it's always the one's hating on the 'White' community. I feel like we are trying to move forward, but other races keep pulling us back into that hole. That stigma. We can't crawl out of it...
My point is, Stop the Hate. It creates most problems, and has solved none. Allow this Officer to live his life with his family in peace, and let this strengthen them. Bless the family of this kid with forgiveness and humility...
Being a Cop's wife, and recent life events, both have taught me that life is just too short. Life can be taken from you in an instant. Life would take a lot longer to be stolen if everyone just.... Got along.
Rant Over.
Stay colorful.
Brandyne White
Purple Psyche
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