Anyway, I just was thinking about all the New Year resolutions everyone has, and how very few people stick to them... The usual: Quit smoking, exercise more, gossip less, watch less tv, drink less coffee, loose 30 pounds, drink less alcohol, make more money, etc. etc. etc.
I was also thinking about how self centered all these resolutions can be... Yes, there is a time to think of yourself, but when you proclaim, "New year, New me!" every. single. year. It get's pretty redundant...
I wish I heard these more often: Start Recycling, Open my heart, Stop Judging, Love more, Give to Charity, Be a better Mother/Father, Pray for others, Be kind, Be more giving. Things that benefit others and send loving and positive energy out to others.
2015 is supposed to be the year of change, good fortune and wealth... Let's sure as hell hope so...I have never really been one for resolutions, but this year is the year for change, so why not? So. My resolution for year 2015, have more faith. Not necessarily just in a spiritual way. But more in humanity. My little family and I have been pretty stomped on a lot this past year. By employers, teachers, instructors, family members, and 'friends.'... But there is those occasions when Humanity absolutely blows my mind... Things that bring tears to my eyes... Enjoy a this sample of the many things Humanity does RIGHT.
And... That's just a snippet of what we do... I really want to try and remember whenever something bad happens, to give whomever the benefit of the doubt... That they are just living their lives... Doing things to support their family. Doing what they feel is best for their loved ones... Just as I'm doing. And remember without sadness, pain, betrayal and disappointment, there can not be light, happiness, joy and love. I want to work on not being so quick to anger with them...
I want to grow closer to my intuition. I want to discipline myself more on understanding Archangels, Deities, Meditation, Spiritual Healing and putting it to action. I want to start helping people find closure. I'm ready.
Happy New Year, and good luck on everyone and their resolutions!
Stay Colorful.
Brandyne White
Purple Psyche
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