Friday, October 24, 2014

A Whisper In the Ear

Candice Jo

I have a best friend. Candice. She recently passed away from Leukemia. She was just a few months older than me... Yeah. I know. Leukemia at 22 years old... I, still, to this day, have a hard time believing this is real life. 

We laughed so hard and about such nonsense :')... She was always the optimistic one. She was always lifting my spirits up. Even when I would roll my eyes, and shrug off her wisdom on the outside. Like the big 'Tough Girl' I like to think I am ;). She brought out the best in me. Things I didn't want to see in myself. Simply, because I didn't feel worth it. So wise and hopeful, beyond her years... 

We met Sophomore year of high school. Clicked instantly. We went to college together, watched stupid, scary movies; and of course Tommy Boy, School of Rock, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and the awesomeness of The Emperor's New Groove. We lived together several times and it was either me, or her that got homesick and moved back to our home town. Once again, separated. Before her death. Quite a while before. We sort of separated onto different life paths. I moved to California, got married, had a baby, and went on with my grown up life... She moved back to Kansas. Back to her four wheeling, family get together's, friends, and her own books, room, and life there.

Then she got sick... I guess I just figured she had caught it early. That they would be able to pull her through. I also just assumed she'd be too stubborn to pass ;) . . . But I guess that's not how the after life works ;). I started harboring deep, heavy guilt over her death. All these thoughts and questions wouldn't leave my head... I should have spent more time with her. How will she ever forgive me? How can I forgive myself? Does she know that I'm sorry? I should have called. I should have went to see her. I should have done more. I should have told her how I feel, how much I did appreciate and love her... Etc. Etc.

The day she died (August 18th), I was working. Around 4-6pm I felt so heavy. I felt dizzy, like a light cloud and fogginess surrounding me. I felt as if someone was standing right next to me. Saying goodbye. And I instantly thought of Candice. That whole day and the day prior, I had a sick feeling. A feeling of loss. I knew exactly where these thoughts were rooting from. I knew Candice wouldn't make it. I knew her soul was around, already. Slipping away. I didn't want to think that way, though. I didn't want to live in that world without her. So, I refused to put myself there. At 9pm, the day I felt the dizziness, her cousin relayed the bad news to me in a heartbreaking message, that Candice had passed away at 5:30pm. 

Along with other loved ones, I needed her to come through during my session with my Medium; very soon after she had passed. Of course, she answered my prayer. The father of my brother (also, deceased)  introduced her presence as 'a friend that's passed away.' Of course I just lost it. I was so ecstatic to feel her around again, but feel her presence in a higher light. 

She told me that she knows how guilty and heavy her death has been to me... She understood that I had wished I could have spent more time. She insisted that she holds no hard feelings or resentment whatsoever and actually, wanted to tell me that SHE is sorry... For what? I don't know. I just want the time I lost back... Of course, I can't think that way. That, is what is going to be the hardest on facing her death... Wanting her back. 

Candice also mentioned that she's happy, not suffering and peaceful. She wanted me to relay the message to her family and friends that she loves them... I asked how her hair looked; I was so devastated for her... She loved her hair, and to lose it, so fast, I knew it just broke her heart. She replied 'long.' She continued to explain in her cheerful, giggly tone that the great thing about this 'place' is she can do what ever she wants with it. If she wants it short, she can make it short, long, straight, curly, etc. She can do what ever she wants with it... She also giggled, bragging about how skinny she is ;'). She always had a hard time with her body. Self loathing. But now she believes she is the perfect vision of herself :). She, however, didn't realize how important her body was, in this life. She felt like that self loathing is what made her sick in her physical body... Which... Makes sense. She pointed to me and all who was in the room with me, at the time, and said along the lines of, "Love yourself. It is so important understand how beautiful this body is. And what a gift it is. No more negativity." She said that she would whisper it to me in my ear that she is around, when I'm feeling good about myself... She told me how much she loved me, and skipped away... On her merry little way :').

About 5 days ago. I was driving home from the closing shift. And I was just in a chipper mood, singing, dancing in the car. All by myself, like an idiot ;). But I didn't care. I was dancing and singing my heart out to the current 'overplayed' song on the radio, "All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor ( ). I was rocking out to the verse:

Yeah, it's pretty clear, I ain't no size two
But I can shake it, shake it
Like I'm supposed to do
'Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase
And all the right junk in all the right places

. . .

Then it happened. She was right next to me. Rocking out and obnoxiously singing and dancing with me. Like we always have. A "whisper in the ear" was a bit of an understatement, I'd say... ;') 

I love you, Girly. Rest In Peace. Fly high. "See ya. On the other side..." :)

Stay Colorful.

Brandyne White
Purple Psyche

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